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“The taping of pizza and wine for NBC Live went great- but even though filmed, it needs to be edited and then an air date. The segment went live in January with great feedback. What always is the icing on the cake is when your segments get more exposure. Sitting in cab today in NYC the TV is playing- and what do I see? The pizza and wine segment was playing on all NYC cabs that day- and sometimes they keep that reel on a play for a full week or so.

Many clients look for a ROI when they hire PR people. They want to know impressions (meaning how many people see it)- with broadcast it’s so hard to give an exact number of viewers, and here is a great example of that. This show was aired on NBC Live which had tons of viewers, but is a local show, but now being shown on the cabs in NYC- well now you are hitting more people and just not NYC people but national people -your viewers now are just not NYC people, you are getting tourists that are national and international. Your story, your vision, your clients have reached even more than you thought originally. What also makes this special is out of all the segments they do; this was chosen to be featured in the cabs.

These are the moments that make what I do so special.”


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